Teaching children healthy eating: a necessity!

Martine Bernier

Health journalist, editor-in-chief

September 12, 2022

A healthy and varied diet is a real guarantor of health at every stage of life, starting from infancy.

Breast milk best meets the nutritional needs of babies and is recommended by the World Health Organization until 6 months of age. For mothers who do not want to or cannot breastfeed their babies, the range of breast milk substitutes has grown considerably in recent years. Some are the result of scientific studies and optimally meet the needs of the newborn. They are regularly evaluated and adapted to the latest state of knowledge. It is strongly advised to start with the milk recommended by the nursery or the pediatrician and to give preference to high-quality infant formula, preferably organic, enriched with vitamins C and D and containing no palm oil.

As the child grows up, you should focus on a varied diet rich in vitamins and proteins during the first years of life and include regional and seasonal products on the menu if possible. The best way to encourage your child to eat healthily is to ensure that he or she perceives food as a pleasure. To make vegetables palatable even to particularly stubborn children, you can mix the foods they don’t like with their favorite foods and arrange them in a playful way A healthy and varied diet is a real health guarantor at every stage of life from toddler age onwards. and appealing to children. For example, serve mashed carrots in a bowl with two radishes for eyes, a tomato quarter for a mouth, and two potato chips for ears. This trick has been tested more or less successfully by many generations of parents and is definitely worth a try!

Why organic?

Children should be fed organic foods for good reason. They are particularly sensitive to chemical products and have a higher risk of developing toxicity symptoms than adults. Foods with organic labels are therefore a good alternative to protect their health in the best possible way. Organic fruits and vegetables are free of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and weed killers, sewage sludge residues and GMO seeds. Organic farms are not allowed to use antibiotics, growth hormones or meat-and-bone meal, must maintain animal-friendly breeding conditions and feed the animals exclusively with organic feed. Processed organic products must not contain chemical colorants, artificial flavorings, chemical additives or chemical preservatives.

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