The observation is general: school-age children tend not to hydrate enough. The morning juice, bowl of milk or chocolate is not enough, knowing that they will often not drink again before noon. A child who doesn’t drink enough may see his physical and...
Since your return from motherhood, you have gone from two to three… From the status of a couple, you have gone to that of a family, with all that that entails of change, happiness, but also stress and fear of the unknown. Your baby, that little bit of love that...
You are pregnant? Congratulations!Here is a list of the various steps that should be performed to be sure that everything goes well. • Is your pregnancy test positive or do you think you are pregnant? Make an appointment with your gynecologist to confirm the good...
Children under 5 are the most affected by such accidents. To avoid them, a few simple rules: Always check your child’s bath water before putting it in. Do not add hot water while it is in the tub. Don’t leave him there alone and don’t let him play...
Whether it’s unemployment, shocking newsflashes, news of war and violence… Children pick up snippets of conversation and yet only understand fragments of what’s going on in the world: it’s often information that’s difficult to comprehend, but...
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