Baby care

Burns, scalding and poisoning

Children under 5 are the most affected by such accidents. To avoid them, a few simple rules: Always check your child's bath water before putting it in. Do not add hot water while it is in the tub. Don't leave him there alone and don't let him play with the water tap....

Ouch! Teeth are growing!

Teething is considered a difficult time to go through and can be very painful. As a general rule, teething occurs around the sixth month (sometimes earlier or later depending on the child), with the arrival of the incisors, which are the first teeth to appear,...

Moisturize baby’s skin well

Soft as silk, the skin of toddlers is also much more fragile than that of adults. Until the age of 4, she is particularly exposed to all external attacks and requires special attention to protect it from attacks environmental. Never use your own products for your...

Beware of house traps!

Your home is the place where your child should feel and be safe. However, 50% of accidents involving children under 16 take place at home or during leisure time. There are three keywords to avoid ending up in the emergency room with your child: educate, protect and...