Children and School

Burns, scalding and poisoning

Children under 5 are the most affected by such accidents. To avoid them, a few simple rules: Always check your child's bath water before putting it in. Do not add hot water while it is in the tub. Don't leave him there alone and don't let him play with the water tap....

Early bilingualism: advantages and disadvantages

When parents come from different countries or cultures, the child is immersed in family bilingualism and often acquires two languages simultaneously before the age of 3. If, in addition, the child enters a school where another language is taught and others are on the...

When kids need glasses

Vision plays an essential role in child development, so it is important to make sure there is no abnormality from infancy. The earlier problems are detected and corrected, the better the results. If you notice that your child tends to squint, shies away from light,...

Which sport to choose?

The popularity of a sport may be linked to a fashion phenomenon or to the charisma of an athlete. After the Euro, football has gained new members. A phenomenon can surprise if we know that the round ball is one of the favorite team sports of young people and children....