Cooking is one of the most fun and entertaining activities with children. The experience becomes even more exciting...
Les Enfants en Suisse
My child is lying to me… what can I do?
It is not only the truth that comes out of children's mouths… Sometimes they also tell lies. How can you prevent this...
Teaching children healthy eating: a necessity!
A healthy and varied diet is a real guarantor of health at every stage of life, starting from infancy. Breast milk...
The first big love
Your offspring has just started kindergarten and already he tells you that he is "in love". This phenomenon is quite...
Today…you have permission to be bored!
Dance classes, sports, music, chess, weekends packed with excursions, TV shows, books, tablets, computers … many...
Bath time: A special moment
To make your child's bath a time of togetherness, peace and well-being, only a minimum of organization is required! At...
Family holidays
How to find pleasant and varied places to spend vacations together, enjoyable for each member of the family? If you...
How do I make my child aware of environmental protection?
Vital but boring and demanding, ecology? Not at all! Respecting the environment can become an adventure for children...
How to protect your child from the dangers of a swimming pool
A swimming pool at home can be very dangerous for children, especially children under the age of five. Never leave...
I’m taking my baby on a trip!
The first trip with your 0 to 6-month-old baby cannot be prepared overnight. It is best to choose a long weekend and a...
Beautiful and fit during and after pregnancy
During the nine-month waiting period for your baby, your body is subject to profound changes. Despite the discomfort...
When is the right time to have a baby?
Over time, women's priorities have changed. Today are one more or less long studies and a demanding career are crucial...