Les Enfants en Suisse

The main children’s diseases

What are children's diseases? Childhood diseases are contagious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. They proceed like all infectious diseases. After infection, the virus or bacterium develops for a certain period of time without any symptoms of illness appearing....

Early bilingualism: advantages and disadvantages

When parents come from different countries or cultures, the child is immersed in family bilingualism and often acquires two languages simultaneously before the age of 3. If, in addition, the child enters a school where another language is taught and others are on the...

Ouch! Teeth are growing!

Teething is considered a difficult time to go through and can be very painful. As a general rule, teething occurs around the sixth month (sometimes earlier or later depending on the child), with the arrival of the incisors, which are the first teeth to appear,...

The flu… a plague for children too

Many think that flu is an adult disease. Not at all: it also affects babies and children, and they are even at great risk. In fact, a child is three times more likely to get the flu than a young adult. However, the symptoms are very different depending on the age....