
My child does not drink enough…

The observation is general: school-age children tend not to hydrate enough. The morning juice, bowl of milk or chocolate is not enough, knowing that they will often not drink again before noon. A child who doesn't drink enough may see his physical and intellectual...

Sunday brunch, a culinary highlight for the whole family

Cooking is one of the most fun and entertaining activities with children. The experience becomes even more exciting and beautiful when you prepare a delicious brunch for the whole family. Small reminder: the word "brunch" is composed of "breakfast" and "lunch" and is...

Teaching children healthy eating: a necessity!

A healthy and varied diet is a real guarantor of health at every stage of life, starting from infancy. Breast milk best meets the nutritional needs of babies and is recommended by the World Health Organization until 6 months of age. For mothers who do not want to or...

Breakfast: a companion for the whole day

The morning meal is very important for the health of your child. It allows him to recharge the necessary energy to start the day with full strength and have the necessary concentration, attention and good mood for the whole day. And yet, it is this meal that is least...