Atopic dermatitis

Allergic diseases in children

For several decades, the incidence of allergy diseases in children has been increasing and particularly asthma, with its significant impact on the world Health constantly increasing. According to recent comparative studies on the frequency of Allergies in former East...

Eczema, Urticaria

Eczema and Urticaria are two different manifestations of a skin allergy, but the main symptom is pruritus (itching). In eczema, there is generally a so-called contact form, caused directly by an allergenic external substance (treated in the chapter on contact...


Seeing as cosmetics can be a complex mixture of substances, it is inevitable that some of them produce allergies to certain people. Symptoms of cosmetics allergy can occur after using a new cosmetic product, or even if you’ve been using one for years without an issue....

Allergy Career

For several decades now, the incidence of allergy diseases and especially asthma diseases with their considerable effects on health has been steadily increasing among children. According to recent comparative studies on the frequency of allergies in former East...