
Eye Allergies

Thankfully, most eye allergies are frustrating rather than actually dangerous. Some of the symptoms of having an allergic reaction are when your eyes get red, itchy, irritated, watery, swollen, and sensitive. One of the things that can cause an eye allergy are...

Moulds, Fungi

FUNGAL ALLERGY: CAUSES AND FREQUENCY? For a century, fungal spores have been considered a possible cause of respiratory allergies. From the great kingdom of fungi, about 100 species of fungi have been associated with allergic respiratory diseases. In principle,...

Contact allergies to perfumes and cosmetics

CONTACT ALLERGIES TO FRAGRANCES AND COSMETICS: WHAT IS IT? Contact eczema, along with respiratory and food allergies, is also a very common condition triggered by allergic reactions. Such eczema is triggered by direct contact with substances on the skin; up to 7% of...

Allergic Diseases

The contact of the allergen with the immune system allows allergy antibodies (IgE) specific to that allergen to be produced in a person genetically predisposed to (atopic) allergies. The person is then sensitised to that allergen. After the allergen is recognised by...